Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring Break!

Have a fabulous spring break!

Friday, March 19, 2010


Wasn't the weather amazing this week? I am enjoying the later sunsets, especially combined with the warm temperatures and blue skies!
We have completed our unit on geometry! Students in first period math are starting a chapter on area and perimeter. Students in second, third, fourth, fifth, and eighth period classes are starting a chapter on integers.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Here is the picture taken on the Skydeck at Willis Tower that I promised last week:

Notice the buildings below our feet!

All 6th graders will take a test on geometry next week. First period will have their test Tuesday. All other classes will have their test Thursday.

Sixth graders also get to go to Hinsdale South High School Wednesday to see Suessical the Musical! We are looking forward to that!

Don't forget to set your clocks an hour ahead Saturday night!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Whew! ISATs are over!
We'll be continuing our study of geometry next week.
Mrs. Crews, Mrs. Maass, Mr. Urbas, and I had the pleasure of going to the Skydeck in Willis Tower (formerly The Sears Tower) this week. What an experience! It was a beautiful, clear day so we had amazing views of the city and the lake! It was exhilarating (and a little scary!) to be standing on glass over 100 stories above the ground. We're working on getting a picture in electronic form--I'll post it next week if possible!
Enjoy the warmer weather!