Friday, January 27, 2012

Cancer Smashers!

Lakeview and Prairieview have had a friendly competition with Eisenhower and Lace Schools to see which district can raise more money for cancer research. Students have been generous with their time and money. Some students canvassed their neighborhood on the early dismissal day to collect donations. Monday is the final day of the competition. Here is the link if you would like to donate online: . Channel 2 will air a story about the competition between the districts on tonight's (Friday's) 10 pm news broadcast.

Students in periods 1 & 4 have started working with percents. Students in periods 2, 5 and 6 are adding and subtracting fractions.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Students in periods 1 & 4 will be creating a scale drawing of the solar system next week.

Students in periods 2, 5 and 6 will be starting addition and subtraction of fractions next week.

Winter is making up for lost time! Stay warm!!

Friday, January 13, 2012


Now it feels like January!
All classes will have a test next week. Students in first and fourth periods will have a test Friday covering ratio and proportion. Students in periods 2, 5, and 6 will also have a test Friday covering multiplication and division of fractions and mixed numbers.
Enjoy the snow! Stay warm!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

MAP testing!

All Lakeview students will be taking the MAP test in reading and math early next week. These tests are used to help us determine student strengths and weaknesses, to help us make placement decisions, as well as to help us make decisions about the curriculum. So it is important that students do their best work. In preparation for MAP tests, students should be well rested, and have a good breakfast before coming to school.
Students in periods 1 & 4 will continue working on ratios and proportions next week.
Students in periods 2, 5, 6 will divide fractions next week.