Friday, February 15, 2013

February 15, 2013

Students in 3rd period math have started work on perimeter, circumference and area.

The students in periods 1, 2, 4 and 6 have completed the math unit on Integers.  For a culminating assignment, the students will be writing a RAFT.  This will be a creative writing project the students will be completing in class.  The acronym RAFT, stands for Role, Audience, Format, and Topic.  The students make decisions on their writing before they begin.

Directions for this RAFT:

  1. R- role of the writer-  Who are you?- for this RAFT the students can choose to be a type of integer (any positive or negative number, or zero).
  2. A- audience- To whom is this written?- the students can choose to write to any type of integer ( a positive could be writing to a positive, or a positive can write to a negative, or maybe a zero is writing to a negative).
  3. F- format- What form will it take?- the students can write a News Story, a Journal/Diary, a Cartoon, or Commercial.
  4. T- topic + strong verb- the student can be writing to complain, demand to plead, excite, or scare. 

After some time to brainstorm using a graphic organizer, we are asking the students to finish their rough drafts over the weekend.  On Tuesday, 2/19, the students will be typing their final RAFT on their Google Drive accounts. 

 Next week we will delve into algebra, translating words into algebraic expressions and equations.
Enjoy the long weekend!

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